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Fields > Aerospace > Aircraft Industry
Aircraft Industry


There are different vibroacoustic challenges for the engineers in the aircraft industry:

Interior Noise

Both, crew and passengers would like to enjoy a comfortable flight. That's the reason why neither disturbing noise nor vibration should occur in the cabin. These would be mainly caused by the airflow created by the power trains.
Apart from the aircraft body shell, aircraft interior enclosure and interior equipment needs to be tested. To do so, especially intensity and sound power, but also sound pressure and psychoacoustic parameters, caused by outside noise, are measured in a sound transmission testbench. Furthermore, operation deflection shape analyses and impact measurements are performed often, to determine the vibration and transfer characteristic of single components.

Exterior Noise

Also the exterior noise emission of an aircraft is interesting. For example the stress for residents needs to be minimized.
For this reason measurements during flyover are performed, to determine the sound power and the overall noise level. An array of microphones can be used for sound localization. In most cases, this sound localization will identify the jet engines as dominant source, but also other sound emitters will be detected.

· 경기 안양시 벌말로 66, 평촌역 하이필드지식산업센터 A동 715호
· 전화번호: 02.529.0375~6 · 팩스번호: 02.529.0378 · E-mail: